Thursday, January 7, 2010


This wonderful movie helped me to realize that Nature is the most perfect technology. all we have been doing is creating technology to make nature more user friendly to our species. The problem with this, is that we create technology that does not mesh with nature, and instead struggles against it. In order to create more perfect technologies, we have to continue to look at nature for inspiration. This will help the record of our society last longer, (a good ex. is the longevity of ancient stone dwellings), but in the end, nature, the pure technology will always come out on top. Most of our technology is static, it cannot evolve itself, so it will be reclaimed by the earth eventually. The human race is more persistent than the flawed technology we create, because we are constantly changing throughout our lives, (personality,intelligence, physicality) without change we would not exist. If we move against change, we will only do harm to ourselves, and ensure the destruction of our society.

There is a quote in the movie that many reviewers sadly did not get. (after all, they just want to be entertained, and not be provoked into deep thought)

“all energy is borrowed and some day you have to give it back”

This was seen by some as some kind of tree hugging hippie crap.

It is only just a simple truth though, and is explained well throughout the movie.

A creature eats to gain "energy" to survive and persist. this is his purpose.
eventually the creature will return to the earth, and the "energy" leftover from that creature will go to fuel the growth of more life, and the cycle will continue.

energy can be defined as many things to people. to most people it seems to be thought of as some kind of force that cannot be seen. To me it is simply the chemical changes that manifest themselves in a physical being, through many levels of bodily input, from eating, to drinking, to the air that we breath.

People seem to be afraid of a world that man does not control. But if you sit back and watch, you can see that the world moves in it's own perfect balance. We need not control it, but simply protect it, and enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Quote by MM.

"A History."

The only people to see the true face of war, are those who have died at his hands.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Do not look unto these eyes.


Why is it that cops think it's suspicious if you look at them? That's
what I was told by a cop. Apparently "only someone hiding something
would have the want to scout their position".


Everybody is afraid of cops, and for one good reason, everyone knows it
is a crime to be a human being. Tickets for speeding, parking, no
inspection or registration(hey buddy! I realize you don't have a lot of
money so im gonna do you a favor and give you even less money to use to
fix your car! Have a nice day!).

They ticket you for simply existing, and no one questions it because
they are willing to take blame for petty mistakes, pay into the system
because they think "well, we pay tickets so when the drug dealer next
door robs us, the cops will make us their first priority!"


They will be too busy ticketing other human beings for existing
elsewhere and, as they know, violent criminals are hard to catch, and
never pay their fines, so why bother go after them when you people are
fresh meat to the cops!?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pot: the anti cancer.


What you need to know:

"10 to 20 years of marijuana use was associated with a significantly reduced risk of HNSCC(head and neck squamous cell carcinoma)"

That means that smoking marijuana is GOOD FOR YOU! You can't ask for a better source for articles on cancer prevention research, and Brown University. Marijuana truly is an anti cancer medicine.


What Constitution?

is what we will be saying.

This is For REAL

Under the cover of darkness obama signed E.O. 12425: Amending E.O. 12425 Designating Interpol as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certian privilege, exemptions, and immunities.

Obama has given Interpol immunity to operate within the borders and territories of the U.S.WITH NO OVERSIGHT or restrictions of our CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHTS.

Thanks Austin, who spotted this here.

This is what you won't see on the news.

10 Things that suck about the VA.


Hopefully I posted that link right.. (From my phone)

Its a story about veterans and how they cannot get the only medicine
that works for them. Cannabis. Their is some pretty touching moments,
and some heartbreaking ones, mostly due to the governments blind
ignorance towards the green.

Read about;
How more soldiers from 2001 have committed suicide, than have dies in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

How the government won't let veterans do it even in a med mary state.

The American Medical Association's recent change in position on cannabis
as a medication. (Which by the way was to tell the GOV "...give tha sick
they weed now biiiiitch!, and we also request that you lower it to a
schedule 2 substance...").

The AMA's new report even said that smoked cannabis is all so helpful.

We should band all these veterans together, they would be able to create
a movement that the government could not ignore. At least not while
their are still troops overseas.