Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Life worth living.

Science and Imagination have proven themselves able to create wonders. Imagination is the question, science is the answer. We live in a society that does not like asking questions. Not asking questions, and thinking a certain idea is unattainable, is bullshit. You are only limited by your own self doubt.

we are afraid we won't like the answers we find, when we start questioning the world. But knowing why certain things are happening, is the only way we can find a solution to change things in the proper and just way. Society procrastinates to the world. It is the collective selfishness of governments and institutions not concerned with the will of the people, that keeps us locked away in the dark ages in many parts of the world.

We create science and technology to better our lives, but only for the people that society allows to consume it. (that would be us, who happen to be born with the right kind of money. No money? Then Society has no use for you). For the rest of the world, we leave to darkness and our technology that makes our lives so much easier becomes a weapon of fear and power to parts of the world that do not have well established Societies. Modern Society is absolutely dependent on those willing to become hired slaves. They lure you in with promises of protection, and keep you there with fear. They train us to be afraid of bullshit things, and swipe our individual freedoms under the rug, as they collect "sin" taxes on you just for being a human with flaws, not because you are hurting another, Those controllers of society from the pharaohs to the senate are allowed to justify the pain they infringe on others with...

Fear stops us from attaining goals with a higher purpose because we are afraid to take risks, unless we are well paid. usually those risks are at the whim of some wealthy entity, and we become slaves to their wishes, and set aside our own dreams for "a better day". Ask yourself why that can't be today. Ask why you shouldn't work to reward yourself everyday. I smoke Cannabis every day. It is my time to say "fuck the world as we normally perceive it, I am going to spend time with my own thoughts and enjoy the things nature has created for us". Cynicism and an obedient personality can get you very far in this life, but so can doing something because you want it bad enough for yourself. Why wait for that time that might not come? Danger and mortality exist whether or not you lose your day job. You only have one life, please don't waste it.