Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sounds like a mini Revolution

Hero? via yahoo news

"BEIJING – When Li Shiming was stabbed through the heart by a hired assassin, few of his fellow villagers mourned the local Communist Party official many say made their lives hell by seizing land, extorting money and bullying people for years.

Instead, villagers in the northern town of Xiashuixi have made Li's teenage killer something of a local hero. More than 20,000 people from the coal-mining area petitioned a court for a lenient sentence.

"I didn't feel surprised at all when I heard Li Shiming was killed, because people wanted to kill him a long time ago," said villager Xin Xiaomei, who says her husband was harassed for years by Li after the two men had a personal dispute. "I wanted to kill Li myself, but I was too weak."

So is he a hero?

"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness"

-Declaration of Independence

Maybe the wrong way to go about retaliation, but in china it doesn't matter how well you pay a lawyer, the government will always win, unless you remind them who keeps it afloat. Hero sounds just fine to me, just listen to the petition of 20,000 people.

Fuck City Prosecutors.

"The Driving Rain."

City Prosecutors. they are good for one thing only, and that is extorting as much money as possible out of citizens. Normally I wouldn't care how they conduct their business, because I know my rights.

But when some fucking asshole decides to cut my mom a "deal" and lower her inspection fine from $250, to $172, it doesn't make me a happy fuckin camper. I know they can remove fines completely because i have done it. I flat out told them i wasn't going to pay because i didn't have any money. It's called duress, and it can get many things expunged.

For Reference:
-inspections cost $40.
-A drunk driver knocked my moms mirror off.
-it costs $400 to fix.
-you can't get an inspection without a side mirror.
-Therefore my mom is in a shitty position and the fuckin city just wants to pay off their brand new million dollar courthouse.

My mom is all but broke. she works for the state helping special needs children, and doesn't make very much. I was going to represent her, but i live a few hours away, and her court date was the start of a new semester.

So my mom has to find MONEY to fix her car, so she can BUY an inspection sticker, so she doesn't have to PAY the city even more money. If she puts a claim to the insurance company her rates will go UP.. and as i said she is barely making it.

This happened at the local municipal court. I am fucking furious. She didn't know the system was trying to fuck her over. after all they were just cutting her a "deal".

I swear to god you cunt ass motherfucker, when i get your name, you can rest assured you will be my poster child for everything that's wrong with the court system.

I hope you enjoy fucking over old ladies who try to help others.

And you see that up there? that's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. don't ever let them tell you how you can use it.

Here's a great website called Flex Your Rights that could help you if your ever unsure about your rights.

- always go Trial by Jury if you are unsure about the prosecutor, the jury can always pull the ole' "Jury Nullification Rule", which basically means a jury can throw a case out for virtually any reason. let any body know who might have jury duty, they have more power than the judge. after all this is a land of the people.

Some asshole prosecutors-

From LA we have Steve Cooley

From New Mexico we have Andy Thomas

and finally from New Orleans we have Keva Landrum-Johnson

really, just despicable people...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NJ says praise mary!

Photo by Austin

Straight from the ass press mouth, via NY daily news. Outgoing Governor John Corzine signs the states first medical marijuana legislation into law, making New Jersey MMJ state number 14. Read the article here.

"The governor signed the bill after hours Monday, making New Jersey the 14th state to allow patients with diseases such as cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis to use marijuana to alleviate their pain, nausea and other symptoms."New Jersey will soon no longer make criminals out of our very sick and terminally ill," said Assembly co-sponsor Reed Gusciora."

One by one, states are asserting their rights against the severely broken federal laws, and allowing people to access the one medicine that truly works.