Sunday, January 10, 2010

On time, out of work. Drug Testing in America.

"bag it."

Drug testing in the workplace is one of the biggest fucking jokes of all time. Companies spend millions of dollars making sure they have a drug free workplace, and in return they just have to spend even more to train the replacement employees.

I have a friend who fell victim to this cruel game.

He worked at a retail store/pharmacy, and he always showed up on time, and more importantly did his job. He had been working there for over a year, and one day the company decided it would be a fantastic morning for a random drug test.

Well, this friend was a good smoking buddy, and without enough time to prepare, (ie: clean the system, i hear Q-Carbo works great), he was forced to submit to random drug testing. There was no way in hell he was passing that test.

When the employer got the results back, they were forced to fire him under company policy. The manager did not want to do it, because like i said, he was one of their best employees. He was fired, but is rehire-able after a period of something like 6 months to a year.

Problem with this is that THE FUCKING ECONOMY IS HORRIBLE, and jobs are a little hard to come by these days. Because of one random drug test, that some faceless rich douchebag in the corporate offices ordered, for these reasons---

-uhh yeah just random

his livelihood was taken away, and for no other reason than a personal choice that had no affect on his job performance.

So these people who promote drug testing must be under the assumption that if you do any kind of drugs (except alcohol, it's perfectly legal to come in hung over) that you---

-must be an endangerment to everyone around you
-must be a bad person
-must be stupid

His manager disagreed with these assumptions (which is why he is rehirable,) so tell me WHY THE FUCK can't he keep his job?!

But i'll tell you who can. This guy. he's a now, former miami beach cop.

"Kill two men in four days under questionable circumstances. Get caught with drugs in your system and suspended from work.

Walk away from it all with $17,242.46.

Not a bad deal, right?"

oh and he's a cop.


As long as you work to prevent other people's liberties, you get to have more! and fuck, let's give them some money too!

Here's how you can learn about drug testing and your rights.

"pending lawsuits are challenging random workplace drug testing as a violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. Additionally, employees and job candidates have sued for random drug testing and won, even though they tested positive. In some cases, they've won simply because employers did not abide by municipal or state workplace drug testing laws. For example, some municipal or state drug testing laws

* Limit discipline for employees who test positive the first time
* Don't allow employers to make job candidates or employees pay for drug testing
* Limit drug testing only to jobs for which workplace or public safety or security is a concern
* Forbid random drug testing

So REMEMBER, if you know you are going to fail your drug test, go study like miami cop Adam Tavss... kill 2 "random" people, take an oath to protect and serve, and in the governments eyes, your pretty much in the clear.

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