Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can you tell the difference?

I can't.

This law in Arizona is simply absurd. It begs for the bad cops to exploit their victims further, and makes good cops look like those bad ones to the people that they are trying to protect. It's nice to see these crooked cops out in the open in support of this law; makes em easier to spot.
from yahoo news:

"Police Chief Thomas Manger of Montgomery County, Md., in suburban Washington said he doesn't have the resources or the desire to enforce federal immigration violations by people who aren't disrupting the community.

"If they're not committing a crime here, frankly, I'm not sure how it enhances public safety to target those people for removal," he said."


and these comment by yahoo user "GBC" from that article, which was by far the most intelligent one's there despite the all the "thumbs down" pretty much sums up everything.

"A tale of two people:

In 1939, there were 70 million people in Germany. 500,000 were Jews. For decades there had been Jews in Germany--living, working, and contributing to the economy. No one made a big deal. But an economic crisis came. Germany had hyperinflation and double-digit unemployment. None of these woes were attributable to Jews. Politicians in Germany seized the occasion to demonize an "enemy within." Jews were identified in Germany as the source of various ills--to distract from the real issues Germany was facing.

Arizona In 2010 has 6.5 million people. 500,000 are illegal aliens. For decades there have been illegals in Arizona--living, working, and contributing to the economy. No one made a big deal. Then an economic crisis came. Arizona had a wave of foreclosures and double-digit unemployment. None of these woes were attributable to illegals. Politicians in Arizona seized the occasion to demonize an "enemy within." Illegals were identified as the source of various ills--to distract from the real problems Arizona was facing."

This would explain the picture i felt compelled to make above. Hopefully people will spread it around. Joe Arpaio does not believe people should be free. You can let him tell you that in Penn and Teller's excellent show Bullshit: War on Drugs. Fast forward to about 5 min in....

and this one...

"1. Illegals help the economy -- that what economists tell us, Greenspan among them

2. Illegals have a net cost of ZERO to the treasury -- also according to many economists, they pay in about what they take. (FYI - many are on the books these days)

3. Illegals dont cause crime. Per wiki, crime in Phoenix has been dropping for a decade as illegals have poured in.

4. Illegals do not take jobs or hurt wages EXCEPT for people who compete for the same jobs -- they create jobs (thru economic activity) and lower prices for the rest of us.

5. there's no practicable way to expel 20 million US residents anyway. (Find, hold, try and deport a population similar in size to NY or Fla.)

I submit that while we have lots of illegals, we do NOT have an immigration crisis. We have an economic crisis (Phoenix prop values off 50%) -- and some politicans there wd rather take potshots at a harmless minority than talk about the economy...."

People are people, no matter the skin or culture, and most of us are just trying to live our lives in a country that is supposed to be for those who seek freedom from oppression, instead our country tries to create it's own version of tyranny, and Joe Arpaio is the man leading the charge.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Born of a Tragic Society. Please Get this Message

We have such little time, and this time is but a blessing.
I sit awake in boxes, hoping the truth will never find me,

I hide away in fear, as the plot becomes much clearer.
I can't stop thinking now, something must be wrong with me, as I surrender, I feel the spirits calling me to come away with them.

I do not know what I have become, I live inside the man I can not be. I wish I knew what this life was for, as I can only wish a blind man to see. What is this future that is taking over? Tell me how do I find my place in all this! It doesn't make sense, and so I retreat inside the bitter hollow me, that sleeps warm inside society.

The time comes for all to disengage this atmos(atlas)phere, as we must all eventually confront this tall and teething fear. I can no longer hide in my box, four walls, a roof and a floor, for this place I am going is a place with no walls, just space, smoke and gas made up of infinite colors.

I can finally be alone, and finally at peace, knowing the universe is hiding inside me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Google the Country.

"Google Earth" By Max Mostly

When does an organization of individuals become a sovereign nation?

Is it when they are recognized by other countries as such within specified borders?

And of course you would need citizens within those borders, correct?

Or is it when that organization has control over trade and finances, and public speech in other nations?

Would you say Google the Company meets most of these requirements? They may pay rent and taxes to operate within a specified region, but money is but a minor detail to Google, they could operate anywhere and in some ways they do. They have offices all over the planet, much like a our foreign embassies that we use to remind other countries of our power and presence.

The reason why i say this is not to label Google as it's own Nation, but to point out the undeniable characteristics it shares with a sovereign nation. What got me thinking about this was this article in wired news. Apparently, Google was attacked electronically from a location in china, and 2 human rights activists had their G-mail accounts hacked into. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to make the connection between the Chinese government and their notorious "love" of human rights. In fact Google can only operate there under strict censorship rules, but that's about to change.

"Google said that the attacks, combined with attempts by China over the last year to “further limit free speech on the web” led it to conclude that it needed to “review the feasibility of our business operations in China.”

The company decided it will no longer censor search results on Google.cn, which it had been doing as a concession to the Chinese government since 2006 in order to be able to operate in China."

This is obviously an organized retaliation directed against the Chinese government, and China's actions represent an act of spying, that would normally be justification for traditional war under different circumstances. Instead Google has decided to make it a war of information. When an organization's private info is attacked by another entity with competing interests, (in this case a government with a strict anti-free thought political stance), The organized entity must retaliate in order to display it's power.

Much like a free trade agreement, compromises were made in which software and information were given to the Chinese to use at their discretion, so that Google could spread and expand their business (or empire,... remember they are protecting people's livelihood as well, not many corporations can say that about non-employees). All they had to do was honor the public policy of the Chinese, and when that trust was broken through China's treasonous methods, Google was given the political capital to eliminate those compromises and allow free thought to an entire nation.

It is fascinating to know that we can create a state that exists mostly in a meta-physical environment, and it can achieve real world results, and repercussions as well. Adversity and acts that violate human rights can now be tried, and convicted, by jury of the world, and not just a select few who wish control it.

Google acts like a sovereign nation in which it has citizens livelihoods that it must protect, but at the same time exposing our worlds national and physical borders as nothing more than arbitrary barriers created to separate and control society, ideas, and culture.

Remember we are only a free online nation while we still have net neutrality. Google is all about keeping this idea alive, and not killed by those Corporations who wish to see it's death, so that they can take back the control they once had.

Just for some extra reading, here is some more proof that our government is blinded by money, and it's a good thing this time. .

Having any information available, -no matter how "immoral", you believe it to be, will always be more important that hiding it, because at the end of the day, that information still exists, and hiding it just creates an atmosphere of distrust and dishonesty about the world we inhabit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Life worth living.

Science and Imagination have proven themselves able to create wonders. Imagination is the question, science is the answer. We live in a society that does not like asking questions. Not asking questions, and thinking a certain idea is unattainable, is bullshit. You are only limited by your own self doubt.

we are afraid we won't like the answers we find, when we start questioning the world. But knowing why certain things are happening, is the only way we can find a solution to change things in the proper and just way. Society procrastinates to the world. It is the collective selfishness of governments and institutions not concerned with the will of the people, that keeps us locked away in the dark ages in many parts of the world.

We create science and technology to better our lives, but only for the people that society allows to consume it. (that would be us, who happen to be born with the right kind of money. No money? Then Society has no use for you). For the rest of the world, we leave to darkness and our technology that makes our lives so much easier becomes a weapon of fear and power to parts of the world that do not have well established Societies. Modern Society is absolutely dependent on those willing to become hired slaves. They lure you in with promises of protection, and keep you there with fear. They train us to be afraid of bullshit things, and swipe our individual freedoms under the rug, as they collect "sin" taxes on you just for being a human with flaws, not because you are hurting another, Those controllers of society from the pharaohs to the senate are allowed to justify the pain they infringe on others with...

Fear stops us from attaining goals with a higher purpose because we are afraid to take risks, unless we are well paid. usually those risks are at the whim of some wealthy entity, and we become slaves to their wishes, and set aside our own dreams for "a better day". Ask yourself why that can't be today. Ask why you shouldn't work to reward yourself everyday. I smoke Cannabis every day. It is my time to say "fuck the world as we normally perceive it, I am going to spend time with my own thoughts and enjoy the things nature has created for us". Cynicism and an obedient personality can get you very far in this life, but so can doing something because you want it bad enough for yourself. Why wait for that time that might not come? Danger and mortality exist whether or not you lose your day job. You only have one life, please don't waste it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sounds like a mini Revolution

Hero? via yahoo news

"BEIJING – When Li Shiming was stabbed through the heart by a hired assassin, few of his fellow villagers mourned the local Communist Party official many say made their lives hell by seizing land, extorting money and bullying people for years.

Instead, villagers in the northern town of Xiashuixi have made Li's teenage killer something of a local hero. More than 20,000 people from the coal-mining area petitioned a court for a lenient sentence.

"I didn't feel surprised at all when I heard Li Shiming was killed, because people wanted to kill him a long time ago," said villager Xin Xiaomei, who says her husband was harassed for years by Li after the two men had a personal dispute. "I wanted to kill Li myself, but I was too weak."

So is he a hero?

"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness"

-Declaration of Independence

Maybe the wrong way to go about retaliation, but in china it doesn't matter how well you pay a lawyer, the government will always win, unless you remind them who keeps it afloat. Hero sounds just fine to me, just listen to the petition of 20,000 people.

Fuck City Prosecutors.

"The Driving Rain."

City Prosecutors. they are good for one thing only, and that is extorting as much money as possible out of citizens. Normally I wouldn't care how they conduct their business, because I know my rights.

But when some fucking asshole decides to cut my mom a "deal" and lower her inspection fine from $250, to $172, it doesn't make me a happy fuckin camper. I know they can remove fines completely because i have done it. I flat out told them i wasn't going to pay because i didn't have any money. It's called duress, and it can get many things expunged.

For Reference:
-inspections cost $40.
-A drunk driver knocked my moms mirror off.
-it costs $400 to fix.
-you can't get an inspection without a side mirror.
-Therefore my mom is in a shitty position and the fuckin city just wants to pay off their brand new million dollar courthouse.

My mom is all but broke. she works for the state helping special needs children, and doesn't make very much. I was going to represent her, but i live a few hours away, and her court date was the start of a new semester.

So my mom has to find MONEY to fix her car, so she can BUY an inspection sticker, so she doesn't have to PAY the city even more money. If she puts a claim to the insurance company her rates will go UP.. and as i said she is barely making it.

This happened at the local municipal court. I am fucking furious. She didn't know the system was trying to fuck her over. after all they were just cutting her a "deal".

I swear to god you cunt ass motherfucker, when i get your name, you can rest assured you will be my poster child for everything that's wrong with the court system.

I hope you enjoy fucking over old ladies who try to help others.

And you see that up there? that's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. don't ever let them tell you how you can use it.

Here's a great website called Flex Your Rights that could help you if your ever unsure about your rights.

- always go Trial by Jury if you are unsure about the prosecutor, the jury can always pull the ole' "Jury Nullification Rule", which basically means a jury can throw a case out for virtually any reason. let any body know who might have jury duty, they have more power than the judge. after all this is a land of the people.

Some asshole prosecutors-

From LA we have Steve Cooley

From New Mexico we have Andy Thomas

and finally from New Orleans we have Keva Landrum-Johnson

really, just despicable people...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NJ says praise mary!

Photo by Austin

Straight from the ass press mouth, via NY daily news. Outgoing Governor John Corzine signs the states first medical marijuana legislation into law, making New Jersey MMJ state number 14. Read the article here.

"The governor signed the bill after hours Monday, making New Jersey the 14th state to allow patients with diseases such as cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis to use marijuana to alleviate their pain, nausea and other symptoms."New Jersey will soon no longer make criminals out of our very sick and terminally ill," said Assembly co-sponsor Reed Gusciora."

One by one, states are asserting their rights against the severely broken federal laws, and allowing people to access the one medicine that truly works.