Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can you tell the difference?

I can't.

This law in Arizona is simply absurd. It begs for the bad cops to exploit their victims further, and makes good cops look like those bad ones to the people that they are trying to protect. It's nice to see these crooked cops out in the open in support of this law; makes em easier to spot.
from yahoo news:

"Police Chief Thomas Manger of Montgomery County, Md., in suburban Washington said he doesn't have the resources or the desire to enforce federal immigration violations by people who aren't disrupting the community.

"If they're not committing a crime here, frankly, I'm not sure how it enhances public safety to target those people for removal," he said."


and these comment by yahoo user "GBC" from that article, which was by far the most intelligent one's there despite the all the "thumbs down" pretty much sums up everything.

"A tale of two people:

In 1939, there were 70 million people in Germany. 500,000 were Jews. For decades there had been Jews in Germany--living, working, and contributing to the economy. No one made a big deal. But an economic crisis came. Germany had hyperinflation and double-digit unemployment. None of these woes were attributable to Jews. Politicians in Germany seized the occasion to demonize an "enemy within." Jews were identified in Germany as the source of various ills--to distract from the real issues Germany was facing.

Arizona In 2010 has 6.5 million people. 500,000 are illegal aliens. For decades there have been illegals in Arizona--living, working, and contributing to the economy. No one made a big deal. Then an economic crisis came. Arizona had a wave of foreclosures and double-digit unemployment. None of these woes were attributable to illegals. Politicians in Arizona seized the occasion to demonize an "enemy within." Illegals were identified as the source of various ills--to distract from the real problems Arizona was facing."

This would explain the picture i felt compelled to make above. Hopefully people will spread it around. Joe Arpaio does not believe people should be free. You can let him tell you that in Penn and Teller's excellent show Bullshit: War on Drugs. Fast forward to about 5 min in....

and this one...

"1. Illegals help the economy -- that what economists tell us, Greenspan among them

2. Illegals have a net cost of ZERO to the treasury -- also according to many economists, they pay in about what they take. (FYI - many are on the books these days)

3. Illegals dont cause crime. Per wiki, crime in Phoenix has been dropping for a decade as illegals have poured in.

4. Illegals do not take jobs or hurt wages EXCEPT for people who compete for the same jobs -- they create jobs (thru economic activity) and lower prices for the rest of us.

5. there's no practicable way to expel 20 million US residents anyway. (Find, hold, try and deport a population similar in size to NY or Fla.)

I submit that while we have lots of illegals, we do NOT have an immigration crisis. We have an economic crisis (Phoenix prop values off 50%) -- and some politicans there wd rather take potshots at a harmless minority than talk about the economy...."

People are people, no matter the skin or culture, and most of us are just trying to live our lives in a country that is supposed to be for those who seek freedom from oppression, instead our country tries to create it's own version of tyranny, and Joe Arpaio is the man leading the charge.

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